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Computer Laboratorium Management To Increase The Information And Communication Technology Skills (ICT) Student Vocation High School In The Whole Province Of Jambi

jurnal internasional
pixabay Jurnal Internasional: Computer Laboratorium Management To Increase The  Information And Communication Technology Skills (ICT)  Student Vocation High School In The Whole Province Of Jambi- Computer labs are one of the most urgent facilities which cannot be ignored in Vocational High School because vocational education is a form of education that integrates theory and practice learning. 

This study aims to find the cause of lack optimal management of computer laboratory in Vocation High School in the Province of Jambi. This study is used descriptive qualitative approach. Meanwhile, the method of collecting data that writer used is observation techniques, interviews, and documentation. 

Data analysis is using Miles and Huberman model while the technique of data validity is using data triangulation. 

The results show that the management of computer laboratory at Vocational High School in the Province of Jambi includes planning, organizing, implementation, and supervision activities. 

In the principal’s planning activities is to identify the needs of computer labs, either about facilities, schedule of use, and budgeting. Furthermore, organizing activities include the division of labor of computer laboratory managers that includes the head of computer labs, laboratory labs, and technicians. Implementation activities include an inventory of computer laboratory facilities, learning process, and computer lab maintenance. On the other hand, the supervision of computer laboratory includes direct and indirect supervision. be photographed and printed as it is received. Readability of copy is of paramount importance.

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